“No more neck and back pain! This is the only work that has helped me. I’m less stressed, calmer, focused. I just feel better!” Marco de Martino, Boulder, CO
“I haven’t felt this good in 50 years!” 75 year-old Dick Cornelison, Boulder, CO
“ Structural Integration has been a big boost to my athletic performance. I feel much more aware of my posture and have better control of myself during activities. I feel in better balance, and much smoother in my overall motion.” Andy Jensen, Boulder, CO
“ Doing a ten-series with Buddy went beyond my wildest dreams. It has changed my life.”
Parker Johnson, Boulder, CO
“ My body feels so much better and I move with less effort and pain. I notice the improvement most in Yoga: I’m more flexible in each pose and more fluid moving between poses. I have less pain in my muscles and joints and it improved my emotional balance and resilience.”
Susan Tweit, Salida, CO
“Thank God I met Buddy, and did a ten-series. I want to live another 20 years!” 77 year-old Ballard Beine, Atlanta, GA
“ I highly recommend Structural Integration with Buddy Frank to my patients.” Dr. Paul Ritchin, orthopedist, Atlanta, GA
“ I didn’t expect to see such dramatic changes after each session. The positioning and posture of my body seems more natural and balanced now. SI with Buddy has helped me strengthen my relationship with myself, and aided me in recognizing the physical manifestations and postures of my different emotional and intellectual states.” Robert Hudon, Denver, CO
“ While the sessions were great from a physical standpoint, I did not expect the increased mental acuity, clarity, and awareness that came from the physical changes.” Jason Pardikes , Denver, CO
“ Since getting a ten-series with Buddy, my knees don’t hurt when I run! I have more balance, endurance, and less fatigue, and I don’t fall skiing anymore! I have fewer (if any) aches and pains from physical activity, and don’t need aspirin or advil for after-exercise pain. Also, I feel more confident, more poised, and stress doesn’t manifest itself physically.” Bob Martin, Boulder CO |